Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)

This page sets out the Morgan Hunt approach to operating with Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) workers. Morgan Hunt themselves will not be paying sub-contractors directly but we will allow workers to be paid via CIS through our Umbrella Partners who operate the scheme. Our current Umbrella partners for CIS will be:

Call 08001216513

TJW Contract Solutions

Call 08452410280 

CIS workers will be genuinely Self-Employed so for CIS to be deemed Compliant with HMRC we must make sure we have followed the below process. This will protect Morgan Hunt as the liability for the workers tax and NI would fall to Morgan Hunt should the process not be followed or HMRC deem the role to not be self-employed. This hinges on the concept of Supervision, Direction and Control (SDC), if the worker is under the SDC of the Client in the manner in which they perform their duties then they cannot be classified as self-employed.

The below process needs to be followed in order for CIS to be compliant:

  • Firstly, the CIS worker must not be under the Supervision, Direction or Control (SDC) of the end Client or anyone in the supply chain, e.g. a plumber may qualify under this rule but a plumber's mate will not as they are under SDC of the plumber.
  • Under CIS the end Client is permitted to carry out quality assurance on the work carried out and should be encouraged to do so. 
  • Morgan Hunt will send an email to the end Client to obtain confirmation that no SDC exists.
  • If the Client confirms no SDC then the morgan hunt Consultant will confirm to the contractor that it is okay to perform duties through the CIS model
  • The Contractor will contact either or TJW to register
  • Morgan Hunt will pay the CIS service provider weekly as long as a timesheet has been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Client

Other Key Principles

To achieve our sustainability objectives Morgan Hunt expects suppliers to adopt, and further develop, practices that are environmentally sound, socially responsible and ethical, based upon the following four principles:

Care for Life 
We care about the people and the environment. We work safely, or not at all.  We never walk by if we notice unsafe actions.   We support health and well-being. We promote green solutions and conduct our operations in an environmentally responsible way. We are accountable for future generations. 

Act ethically and transparently 
We do business with a high degree of integrity and transparency. We live by our core values and never accept shortcuts. We train our staff to identify the signs of modern slavery and human trafficking and to report any suspicious activity.  We foster a working climate where everyone can speak their mind.

Be Better Together 
We always strive to be better in all we do. We are a learning organisation and generously share our expertise.   We take pride in quality and innovation. We build Morgan Hunt teams together with customers, partners and communities. We leverage diversity to deliver the best solutions. We foster an inclusive culture where we are open and fair, showing trust and respect for each other.

Commit to Customers  
We help our customers to be successful in their business. We strive to understand their needs and their customers’ needs. We are here to help our customers turn their visions into reality.

We want suppliers who work with us, in mutual trust, to always deliver what we want, on time, at the right price and in a safe and responsible way.

We will always provide a safe and healthy working environment and pay promptly within agreed terms. We will reward excellent supplier performance through repeat business opportunities and help develop mutually beneficial long-term relationships. We will also give our supply chain the space and flexibility to develop and deliver innovative solutions.

Behaviour in our marketplace

Corruption, bribery and unfair anti-competitive actions distort markets and hamper economic, social and democratic development. Morgan Hunt does not tolerate such activities.

  • We shall not act contrary to applicable competition laws.
  • We shall not, directly or indirectly, offer or give any undue payment or other consideration to any person or entity for the purpose of inducing such person or entity to act contrary to prescribed duties in order to obtain, retain or direct business or to secure any other improper advantage in the conduct of Morgan Hunt’s business.
  • We shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or offer any undue payment or other consideration that is given for the purpose of inducing the recipient to act contrary to prescribed duties or to engage in any improper performance of a position of trust or a function tha tis expected to be performed impartially or in good faith.
  • We record the correct nature of all financial transactions by recording them in accordance with locally accepted accounting principles and in all Morgan Hunt reporting follow International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and applicable Morgan Hunt Policies and Rules.
  • We have controls in place through our company policies and procedures and in our IT procedures to ensure adequate levels of data protection for our clients, employees and supply chain.

Suppliers shall be able to demonstrate they have procedures in place to deal with the risks of bribery in their organisation in accordance with the Bribery Act 2010.

Morgan Hunt requires its suppliers to apply and uphold these key principles within their own business operation and supply chains. We will carry out ethical audits where appropriate.